For many of you out there in CyberLand, the information coming at you is mind boggling. If you're anything like me, I can't get enough of politics. I consume that information in any form it's presented, well except from FAUX NEWS of course...but seriously, have any of you seen ANYTHING like what we've seen over the last month or so in the news cycles?? Here was our President coming out with a provision that employers must offer conception coverage in their health insurance plans. The religious exemption turned my ear a bit, so I kept up with the conversation for a few days...watched him "change" things a bit in order to "placate" the religious among us...but found this to be interesting....why was he doing this??
I watched as the earlier news conversation went from "Jobs" and the "Ecomony" or a reasonable facsimile thereof, to contraception for women....then the wheels came off!!! A veritable attack on the American Woman, the rights of the American Woman. The "Family Values" brigade was out in full force, locked and loaded!! From whence did these people surface? One minute I'm watching Democracy Now and wincing at the travesty that Syria is becoming; to MSNBC in the evening and all of the sudden I learn a new word, "Personhood". What? 30 million Americans are out of work, how many millions of homes are under water and you're concerned with defining life as if you have the right to do so?? Who the hell gave you permission to decide when life begins? I'll leave that to people with the education and the expertise to do so, thank you very much. Now I'm curious, so I watch........
BAM!!!!!! The state of Virginia has decided that it's time to put the religious/moral thumb screws to every single woman in their state who dares to expect fair and dignified treatment from her medical professional if she seeks to have an abortion. "The vaginal probe!!!" YES! How many states have already made it mandatory to watch videos and such before having a perfectly legally protected medical procedure, not to mention parental permission and a waiting it's time to be personally violated without consent with a probe inserted inside you for no other purpose than to, well VIOLATE YOU and shame you into perhaps changing your mind. I don't wish to make this about abortion, but you can't make this stuff up!!!
So here is where The Obama Dream Campaign Team get a nod from me: Could you have set the stage for a win any more succinctly if you tried, Mr. President? Here we have, on the Right a party that is metaphorically eating their own, coming completely unhinged, getting the base all shook up and motivated to fight this culture war of moral values!!...or so it seems......and on the Left, no, let's say in the entire rest of the country......................52% of the electorate saying, "Are you friggin' kidding me??!!" I'm not saying all women will now vote for President Obama for a second term, but you have to think that the scales are tipping just a bit. You see, this is no longer a Left or Right issue. This, the Republican/Tea Party/Religious Right Party has MADE their issue!!!! Denying women fundamental access to safe and effective health care is now the Right's issue! I hope they're happy their Tea Baggers made it all the way to Washington DC back in 2010, because they're running the show from here on out. Do you think, for a second that George H. W. Bush's Republican party or Reagan's Republican Party would be this friggin' INSANE?? Hell no, they wouldn't! They actually understood what the word "Conservatism" means. These people are completely out of their minds with religious fervor demanding that our Secular Government become a Theocracy. And the old guard is being led around by the nose by a bunch of Freshmen Zealots in the Capitol!!! Think the President doesn't know this? He sure does.................
He'll sit back and watch as this circus continues, meanwhile preparing every single stump speech to reflect the issues that really matter to the American People. In the end, the Republicans can eat their own and fight this ridiculous Culture War, while our President sticks to what really matters to America.....yeah, crazy like a fox.
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